Welcome to the support site.

This site is a resource for existing users of MyPhotoClub and for potential users to investigate the system deeper.

Please use the Search button to find articles and information that may assist.

The buttons on the right give access to detailed information and often refer to articles posted.

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The Site Settings page

The site settings page is accessible either through the red Webmaster or red Management button. There are a series of buttons to access pages for the purposes list and a series of yes-no sliders that should be set and then the Save options button pressed.


by Colin Woods, February 23, 2021

Editing the content on the home page

The homepage of your MyPhotoClub competition site is a standard template. The layout is arranged to allow all content to be editable by the site management.

If you are logged in and have management access you will see a red or orange button at the bottom of the Right Panel. A green Edit button will be visible at the bottom of the left panel.


by Colin Woods, February 23, 2021

Zoom Q&A session

I will be hosting a Zoom session open to any user or potential users of MyPhotoClub to attend. Time: Apr 26, 2020 04:00 PM Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney

Please email colin@myphotoclub.com.au any questions or topics you would like to cover. The link was emailed but removed due to security risks.

by Colin Woods, April 24, 2020

Providing a sample file for your competition.

A new feature has been added to allow competitions to have a reference or sample file available for download. There are several ways this can be used, but it was developed with the concept of a RAW challenge in mind. After a workshop on processing, upload a sample raw file for all members to download and work on, then submit their JPG versions. Colour to black & white is an obvious application.

How to set this up


by Colin Woods, April 22, 2020

Image Comments

A comment can now be added to any image uploaded into MyPhotoClub. This feature has been added to all entry forms. After an entry has been made the entrant can use the blue View / Remove Entries button to access a popup that enables adding/editing of comments and titles. Titles can now be edited as well.

How are these comments used?

These comments are not visible to a judge of your competition. The only exception is the APS Conceptual Photography prize, where the comment is part of the entry.

For clubs, when a competition is published and viewable to members the authors comment will appear at the top of the comments. Below you can see the comment added to an entry of mine and how it sits with the judges comments and another members comment.


by Colin Woods, April 22, 2020

Feature update / highlight banner

It is now possible to edit the title of your entry after it has been submitted.

The ongoing challenge is to keep all users of MyPhotoClub informed of features, improvements or upcoming events without bombarding them with emails, popups or flashing signs!

A moderately subtle way has been implemented to do this which I hope is a balanced method.


by Colin Woods, April 17, 2020

Everyone at MyPhotoclub – an entry space for everyone

I have been thinking about doing something like this for a while and this is, unfortunately, the perfect time to release this service.

Everyone at MyPhotoClub accepts entries from any person who is a member of a MyPhotoClub camera club. The competitions are themed with two entry slots and run weekly. The judging will be done using online scoring where a score between one and five is given for each entry. Everyone is enabled to participate in the online scoring.


by Colin Woods, April 10, 2020

Alternate email address

A feature of MyPhotoClub is the ability to add an alternate email address so that your personal email address is not displayed where the general public can see it.


by Colin Woods, April 9, 2020

Subscription fees for 2020

Please ensure your club executive receives this message.
(suggest they go to https://support.myphotoclub.com.au/ and subscribe)

MyPhotoClub charges clubs $10 per year per member. This is done by charging $5 per member in April and October. Clubs should ensure their membership lists are current so that they are not charged for departed members.

I am aware that with the social restrictions in place, club revenue may be impacted. Each club’s situation is different, so I have decided to take the following action:

  • The April invoice to clubs will be sent as usual – please pay on receipt.
  • The October invoice will be sent but the payment of this invoice will not be pursued – it will be up to each to determine if they can afford to pay.

Any photography clubs wishing to sign up to use MyPhotoClub this year will not receive an invoice until April 2021. Please let any photography clubs you know of this offer. My am is to assist as many clubs as I can to maintain connectivity with their members during this difficult time.

Kind regards from Colin – stay safe and stay home!

by Colin Woods, March 28, 2020

Dealing with cancelled competitions

Many, if not all clubs, have cancelled all meetings and as a consequence, have cancelled print competitions. To remove these competitions to prevent accidental entry, follow these step depending which scenario matches:


by Colin Woods, March 27, 2020